ButterTree & Biscuits

A Promise Is a Promise

Melissa Gosselin1 comment

One of the first stories I ever wrote was called “A Promise Is A Promise”. I was about 8 or 9. It was for a story writing contest with a Robert Munsch theme, and we had to write something using the title of his book. I decided to write about the year we got my mom a bread maker for Christmas. And I know that may sound unremarkable . . . but the bread maker Christmas was, for me, the ultimate test. 

Bringing People Together

Melissa Gosselin

I’ve recently become curious about the different ways people come together for the holidays, and for this week’s post I thought I’d share some games and traditions I’ve come across over the years. 

Heartfelt Christmas Cards

Melissa Gosselin

I don’t know about you, but it’s only the second week of December and I’m already starting to feel the Christmas rush. One thing in particular I’m thinking about is sending Christmas cards. Apparently (and I just learned this a few weeks ago) December 9th is Christmas Card Day. I’ve never been someone who has mailed out cards — that was always something my mom was in charge of. But ever since she passed away I’ve been thinking about how important receiving cards has been to me. 

December Traditions

Melissa Gosselin

The beginning of December was always a special time. It was usually coupled with the final stretch at school — exams and papers due. Still, it was a time of comfort — in the chaos of the world, in the impermanence of existence, there were a few small things that stayed the same. 

Lasting Memories

Melissa Gosselin

Happy Wednesday, everyone! And to all the American readers — Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you’re able to eat delicious food and to enjoy time with loved ones. In celebration, I thought I would focus on gratitude . . . on the little things that energized me this week.

Best Christmas Gift Stories

Melissa Gosselin

It’s that time again . . . Time to shop for Christmas gifts! (At least it is if you start early like me.) Honestly, I'm a little anxious about gift-giving. I'm easily overwhelmed by options, and I'm scared of getting someone a gift they’ll never use.Today, I thought I’d explore my favorite gift-giving stories throughout the years. Maybe it will spark a gift idea. Or maybe it will help you recall a special Christmas memory of your own!

World Kindness Day

Melissa Gosselin

 Personally, I’ll never forget the time my credit card didn’t work at an airport, while I was trying to buy food. It was my first meal of a very long day, and the sandwich I ordered had already been made. I was just about to walk away, crestfallen, when a guy nearby who’d witnessed what happened offered to pay. I declined initially, but he insisted, and I was so overcome with gratitude I almost cried. This person could have just watched me leave. It’s so easy to get caught up in our own routines and problems and forget to reach out. 

Reflections on The Day of the Dead

Melissa Gosselin

Since my parents started spending months at a time in Mexico, I’ve become increasingly fascinated with Día de los muertos. For those of you who don’t know, it’s a day when Mexican families make offerings (called ofrendas) on an altar to their loved ones who have passed. I’ve always loved the idea of celebrating life rather than mourning death — loved the idea that memories keep people alive.